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Scots Earn Top Medals at the National French Contest

French exam graphic

Fifteen Saint Andrew's students received medals on the Le Grand Concours also known as the National French Contest. The NFC is an annual international competition sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French. Earning a medal reflects the students' passion, dedication, and hard work in their French studies. 

Congratulations to the students listed below:


Gold Medal:

Luciana Espinoza ’26

Gabriel Dattels ’26

Alexandre Dupuy ’25


Silver Medal:

Vanessa Qumsieh ’25

Emily Parra ’24

Ava Allwardt ’24


Bronze Medal: 

Vittorio Pin Mariotto ’26

Alejandro Mora ’26

Lisa Shnurenko ’24

Alyssa Thomas ’25

Sara Rudelman ’27

Diego Rojas Bowe ’25

Yixuan (Shirley) Hu ’27

Sophie Wagner ’24

Nathan Chatigny ’26

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